"WORKHERO doesn't change your organization's design, we design your organization to change." *
The only constant in business is accelerating change. In order to be effective, the capability to adapt to change must be designed into the organization. WORKHERO has exclusively updated the world-renowned Star Model™ framework, to include a new organizational design factor.* These design factors are guaranteed to pull your organization out of the global trench and elicit long-lasting change with a positive impact on the bottom line.
Professional Health and "Un-wellness" results in people feeling anxious and unhappy because of a toxic work environment. WORKHERO’s Professional Health and Wellness programs were created to bring you to a space of psychological safety and productivity.
WORKHERO knows that the best and only way out of this trench is to be proactive and reactive. Our exclusive and culturally competent programs will teach you about workplace violence and insider threats, and how you can productively address those concerns while keeping your employees safe.
Galbraith, S. (2017). Jay R. Galbraith: Master of Organization Design – Recognizing Patterns from Living, Breathing Organizations.
WORKHERO believes that the Mental Health and Intense Trenches are critical to your organization's health and feed directly into the Global Trench. By addressing these trenches, your organization will become more effective in a constantly changing world.